The Power of Neville Goddard’s “Feeling is the Secret

Neville Goddard was a prominent figure in the New Thought movement, known for his teachings on the power of the imagination and the law of attraction. His seminal work, “Feeling is the Secret,” has inspired countless individuals to tap into the power of their own thoughts and feelings to manifest their desires.

At the heart of Goddard’s teachings is the idea that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. He believed that we are all constantly manifesting our desires, whether we are aware of it or not. By becoming conscious of our thoughts and feelings and directing them toward our desired outcome, we can consciously create the reality we want.

“Feeling is the Secret” teaches us that our feelings are the key to manifestation. Goddard believed that our feelings are more powerful than our thoughts and that by generating the feeling of already having our desired outcome, we can attract it into our lives. This means that we must not only visualize our desired outcome but also feel the emotions that come with having already achieved it.

For example, if you want to manifest a new job, you must not only visualize yourself in that job but also feel the excitement and satisfaction of having it. If you want to manifest a new romantic relationship, you must not only visualize yourself with your ideal partner but also feel the love and connection that comes with being in that relationship.

Goddard also emphasized the importance of faith in manifestation. He believed that when we have faith in our desired outcome, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities of the universe. By having unwavering faith that our desires are already fulfilled, we can attract them into our lives with ease.

However, Goddard cautioned against using manifestation solely for personal gain. He believed that true success and happiness come from using our manifestation powers for the benefit of all. When we manifest with the intention of serving others and contributing to the world, we align ourselves with the highest good and open ourselves up to even greater possibilities.

In conclusion, Neville Goddard’s “Feeling is the Secret” is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires and creating the reality we want. By focusing on our feelings and generating the emotions of already having our desired outcome, we can attract it into our lives with ease. However, we must use our manifestation powers with the intention of serving others and contributing to the world, in order to align ourselves with the highest good and open ourselves up to even greater possibilities.

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